Denfeld High School Class of 1963
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Denfeld High School Class of 1963 - Looking Back
Pictures in Gallery: 29
Classmates are going up in their attics, dusting off their scrapbooks and sharing their favorite personal photos from yesteryear. Help document the candid parts of our class past by posting your old personal photos.  Be sure to check our other Looking Back galleries to view photos of elementary and junior high classes.

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Barb Carlson Bernard had this photo.   It is the Power Club Board with our wonderful Mrs. Pete.
Posted By: Susan Running
Views: 8542

L to R   Karl Johnson, Bob Hendrickson, Garry Hawkinson & Ron Sillanpa - at Hawk's wedding - it must be 1970.....
Posted By: BH
Views: 8522

Cub Scouts, Den 2, Pack 25 L to R: Dick Peterson, Bill Homewood, Glen St. Marie, Garry Hawkinson, Tom Marion & Gene Carlson.
Posted By: Garry Hawkinson
Views: 8471

Cub Scouts, Den 2, Pack 25 Front, L to R: Dick Peterson, Glen St. Marie. Middle: Bill Homewood, Gene Carlson, Tom Marion, Garry Hawkinson. Back: Mr. Hawkinson, (Garry's dad.)
Posted By: Garry Hawkinson
Views: 8566

1966 - Good Friday near Clark Air Base, Philippines.
Posted By: BH
Views: 8639

1966 - Good Friday near Clark Air Base, Philippines.
Posted By: BH
Views: 8356

1966 - Good Friday near Clark Air Base, Philippines.
Posted By: BH
Views: 8517

1966 - Good Friday near Clark Air Base, Philippines.
Posted By: BH
Views: 8514

1966 - Mt. Pinatubo – the volcano that ultimately buried Clark Air Base in the Philippines.
Posted By: BH
Views: 8659

Many years ago Ron had his picture taken with Santa Claus & his Reindeer. 'Merry Christmas & Happy New Year to all.'
Posted By: Ron Koski
Views: 8726

Many years ago Kim had his picture taken with Santa Claus & his Reindeer. 'Merry Christmas & Happy New Year to all.'
Posted By: Ron Koski
Views: 8744

This was a long time ago - Marvel Vork and Bill Johnson.
Posted By: Jan (Adolphson) Hood
Views: 8971

This was 'home' for a year - Cam Ranh Bay, South Vietnam - 1966
Posted By: BH
Views: 8915

Bob Hendrickson & F-4C with bombs, Cam Ranh Bay, South Vietnam - 1966
Posted By: BH
Views: 8789

Bob Hendrickson & F-4C, Cam Ranh Bay, South Vietnam - 1966
Posted By: BH
Views: 8918

A 'cab stand' - Nha Trang, South Vietnam - 1966
Posted By: BH
Views: 8848

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